Saturday, May 7, 2011

To my Momma....

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's in the world!  :)  Today I wrote my Mom a poem for Mother's Day.  It is entitled,
 "Mom, You Are So Grand"
  By Katie H.

                                                                   Mom you are so grand,
                                                                   Only you are the best in the band.
                                                                   Most mom's aren't like you,
                                             because onlyYou know how to keep me not feeling blue.
                                              You are the One with the funny quirks,
                             and I always see in yoU the great qualities of your works.
                                                                   Amazing, loving, and talented you are,
            you are one of the brightest staRs.
                                                                   Even though I'm not there with you,
                     I hope that you won't feel So blue.
                     It won't be long till I see yOur face,
                                  cause I'll be cominG home to your place.
                                           Thank you foR all that you do,
                                            I'll never be Able to repay you.
                                    I hope that you kNow how much I appreciate you Mom,
                            You really are so granD.

I love you, Mom!  Happy Mother's Day!  :)

This poem is me.  Thank you.


The Preacher's Wife

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