Monday, April 30, 2012

a most frugal weekend :)

I had a most fun, frugal weekend!

I went yard selling!

And it was FUN!

I've never really went yard selling before this past Saturday.  I've had several yard sales myself but I've never been the one that went treasure hunting.

Well, let me tell you that after this past Saturday, this will not be my last yard sale experience!

I found all kinds of treasures and some that were still brand new!

Let me just show you my frugal finds from the weekend...

here is a picture of everything that I got:

I bought the gold mirror for $3, I got the white picture frame for $1 (and I actually bought three of the same one), I got two packs of napkins for 25 cents each (they were too cute and never had been opened!), a brand new pair of gloves for 75 cents (I got those for my husband), a yellow funnel for 25 cents (because you never know when you'll need one of those), 2 brand new mashed potato mashers, one for 50 cents and the other for 25 cents (these are some of my favorite kitchen tools aside from my spatulas and cookie scoop), AND my most favorite item was the $2 curtain rod that I bought!

I spent a grand total of $10.25!

I thought I did pretty good!

If you turn your head sideways you can see my finds a little closer.  :)

(Sorry, I can't figure out why it won't turn the right way)

And here are my frames up close...

and my LOVELY curtain rod:

I was most EXCITED about this!  Do you know how expensive curtain rods can get if you want a pretty one?!  Mine only cost $2!  Score!  Now I just have to go to Lowe's to find the tools to mount it.

{this is where I would ask for a high five!}

I've already started working on my picture frames that I bought:

I'm turning this frame into a chalkboard for my kitchen.  I painted it red because that's what color my kitchen is.  I think it's going to turn out pretty cute.

Here is what I did with another frame:

I made it into my "seasonal" frame.  I joined Pinterest this past week (big mistake--good and bad!) and it has all kinds of cute little printouts for different seasons.  Why not print them out and frame them?!
Or at least that's what I thought when I saw them!
I thought I'd start out with this cute little 1 Corinthians 13 print out first.

For my last frame, I'm making it into a chalkboard as well, but I'm going to leave it the cream color.  I'm pretty excited about all of my finds!

Since I was so excited about my finds from the yard sale, I decided to stay in frugal mode at Wal-Mart ,too.  I have been using these facial cleansing cloths below for a really long time now.   

There are 30 to a pack and I never use the entire cloth at night when I'm washing my face.


I bought this little container at Wally-World:

and I cut the cloths in half and put them in my new, little container:

Now an entire pack will last me two months!  Whoo hooo!!

Just call me Frugal Frannie!

Among all of my frugalness excitement this weekend I did something pretty silly and rather embarassing. 

While we were in line at Wal-Mart, I decided to run and use the restroom while my hubby checked out.  I darted right on over to the restrooms and walked right into the men's restroom.  Yup, you read that right.

Here's what I saw while I was walking over to the restrooms...
There was a gentleman standing outside of the entryway of what I thought was the men's restroom.  The restroom was being cleaned and I just assumed that was the men's restroom because there was a man standing there.

Oh no.  That doesn't mean anything.

While walking into the restroom I did think it was odd that there weren't as many toilets as usual.     (I never even saw the urinals when I walked in.)

It wasn't until I walked out of the stall that I realized where I was and what I had done.

There stood two little boys just playing around in the restroom.  It was then that I looked to the left and saw two empty urinals (empty--thank goodness!)

I rushed out of the restroom and out of the Wal-Mart.

Nope, I didn't even wash my hands I was so embarassed. 
(I know, gross!)

I found my husband standing at the Red Box at the entrance of Wal-Mart and ran up to him and said "We've got go go!  I just used the men's restroom!  And I didn't wash my hands!  I can't touch anything now until we get home!  Let's go!"

He died laughing and we proceeded to walk out of Wal-Mart.

I was embarassed.

He was laughing.

So we rode home and I didn't touch anything.

Once I got home I washed my hands.

I hope you're laughing.

I wasn't going to share this, but I thought why not?!

We all do silly things in life.

Sometimes I just do silly/stupid things more than others.  :)

And sometimes it causes embarassment.

Oh well!

At least I had a nice, frugal weekend!

Who else can say that they bought their curtain rod for $2?!

Whoo hooo!

Hope you had a good laugh,
The Preacher's Wife

Friday, April 27, 2012

Finally Friday!! :)

It's Friday!!


These past couple of weeks have been cram packed full of running around from job to job, running errands, going to the doctor, seeing my husband for maybe one complete hour Monday-Friday during daylight hours, squeezing in time to hang out with friends on the weekends, and a ton of other things that I just can't think of right now.  (maybe because my brain feels a bit mushy).

I feel like we have been sprinting a marathon...that is until I finally feel like a big weight has been lifted off from the past two busy weekends and now I can finally breathe a bit!  I finally got to sit on the couch this morning and just relax.  Ahhhhh!!!

However, Preacher Man has about three more weeks of school left and probably four papers now I'm going to try and help him get through this and onto summer.

AND, next weekend I'm going to go help play nurse to my Mama!  She's getting her a new hip!  Fun times!!

Which also brought me to thinking that I needed a new knee this past week...

Somehow I twisted or turned it the wrong way and if I don't ice it, it likes to swell up.
Thankfully it's getting much, much better! 

Other exciting things that have been going on...

I got some pretty orange tulips this week...

I'm a little obsessed with the little flower arrangements.  They're just so cute!  :)

I also ordered some new nail polish for the Summer!!!

I can't wait for these three colors to get here!!!  :)

I also love this little canvas that my sister painted for me...

It's going to go somewhere in my kitchen.  I just can't decide where to put it yet.

I also love this little chick that my Mom gave me....

It's really a little dip bowl where the wings come out of the back and are a little serving knife.  :)

It was too cute not to use all of the time, so I made it into a candy dish:

Precious little chick!

I also love when I get text messages like this:

I just love my hubby's mother.  :)  She's a thoughtful lady!

The thing I'm most excited about is going on a date with this fella tomorrow.....

FINALLY!!!  A date with him after a crazy-filled couple of weeks!  Whoo hooo!!

I hope you have a great weekend too!

Lots of Love,
The Preacher's Wife

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Run-Around Weekend

It was a beautiful, beautiful weekend here in Wake Forest AND also a busy weekend.

I felt like I ran around all weekend long, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

The weekend started off on Saturday morning with a brunch at my house with some of the girls from my small group.  I made some cinnamon rolls for the brunch and had a little fun while I made them...

This is a cinnamon roll snake.  I kinda thought it was funny.  :)  I did cut him up though and also made him into rolls.

The brunch was nice and the girls were my first guests to eat on my new patio furniture.  We had a good time!  Here's a picture of all of us:

After the brunch was over my hubby came home from fishing since I had to kick him out of the house.  :)  And just to let you know, he didn't mind it one bit.  ;)

Once he got back home we had to make a run to Wally World to grab some supplies to make some punch for a party that we were having for a couple in our small group.  I'm happy to say that my first run of making punch was a success!  The punch was super tasty and I have my Mom #2 (also know as my mother in-law) to thank for that. 

On Saturday night we went over to our friends Chad & Jodi's house for our one year anniversary for being friends.  I know this sounds silly, but these two are people to celebrate!  God really knew what he was doing when he brought all of us together.  They have become some of our greatest friends here in Wake Forest and we are soooo thankful for our friendship.  I feel like I've known Jodi for my entire life, but we've only known each other for a year.

We celebrated with hot dogs...fancy, huh?  That was our first meal that we all had together so we had it again!  And they were delicious!  We also ate Marble Slab Ice Cream too!  I was in charge of dessert so I brought over the marble slab that my Mom bought me so we could mix some good stuff in our ice cream.  We all had Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and it was quite yummy!

Somehow Jodi and I always end up watching videos on the computer to find new ways to style our hair..

And then we always try and practice.  Sometimes they turn out really cute, while sometimes they aren't so cute. 

Nonetheless, we still have fun!

On Sunday morning we went to church and then we had lunch with our friends Toby and Mary-Pat.  We had some sketti (also known as spaghetti) over at their place and it was tasty too!

After we left there we had a party with our small group that night.   That's where I served the punch that I made! Everything seemed to have turned out really nice and I think the couple that it was for enjoyed it!

Once we left the party I was wiped out, so me and the hubster came home and rented the movie We Bought A Zoo.  This movie was so good!  We both really enjoyed it and I was also happy to find out that it was based on a true story as well...I LOVE those kinds of movies!

Our weekend was a lot of fun!  Now it's back to the work week...

Hope you have a happy Monday!

The Preacher's Wife

Friday, April 13, 2012


Remember my last post about patio furniture?

My husband surprised me with some last night when I got home from work!  :)

It was awesome and definitely unexpected!

I walked into the kitchen last night and saw this....

All of the blinds were open and raised above the sink.

I thought it was strange since it was so late at night but I didn't think much of it because I was carrying a huge load of flowers from work...

aren't they pretty?

After talking to my hubby for a bit he said well aren't you going to look outside?

So I looked outside and ta-da!!!!!!!!!

My sweet husband had went and got my patio furniture that I had been talking about!


It was a wonderful surprise to come home to after a reeaaalllyyy long day at work.

I hope you'll come visit us soon so we can eat outside on the back patio!  :)

Today I've been cleaning our our storage closet so we can store our lovely new patio chairs that you can adjust to your preference of three different back settings.  You can lounge sitting straight up, leaning back, or really leaning back.  They are really cool!  And I'm really excited about them if you can't tell.

I've also been making cinnamon rolls today and arranging flowers....

I had a moment today where I thought that I wanted to become a florist, but then I changed my mind after the smell of flowers got to me.

Check out my little flower arrangements for the brunch that I'm having at our place tomorrow:

I had fun making them, but my desire has went away.  It was fun while it lasted though! 

Thank you again to my sweet husband for a wonderful surprise!  I love you! 

I hope you have a super weekend!

Hope to see you soon to eat on our new patio furniture,
The Preacher's Wife

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Outdoor Living

I'm trying to talk my husband into getting some new patio furniture.

When we went home this past weekend, we somehow ended up at KMart to get deodorant and toothpaste.

And we just happened to have stumbled upon this cute, little patio furniture set...

Isn't it just so cute?

I tried my best to convince my husband that we REALLY needed it and that we should get it that day!
He wasn't going for it because we had to make a 7-8 hour drive back to North Carolina from Tennessee.

So we didn't get it.


I think I have him talked into getting it soon! 

You see, I think this little set is perfect for our itty bitty back patio.  The chairs fold up so we can store them in our little storage closet when we aren't using them, and we could do the same for the umbrella!

This will be a great addition to our little place because:

1.  We can eat out back when it's nice outside.
2.  It increases our outdoor living space...which is ultimately like increasing the square footage of where we live now!  :)
3.we can sit outside and enjoy the weather or a nice dinner.
4.  We can entertain a couple of friends on our back patio (maybe more if we move the grill!)
5.  I think it's perfect for us!
6.  If you can think of anymore good reasons, be sure to let my husband know.  I was thinking about posting his phone number and email address, but I figured I'd better not if I wanted to get it.

I'll keep you updated on if we get it or not!  :)

I feel confident that we probably will....and even more confident because it's on SALE too!  Hopefully this means sooner rather than later.

Until then I'm going to try to NOT go to KMart and strap it to the top of my car and bring it home.  :)

The Preacher's Wife

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Blessed Easter Weekend! :)

We hope you had a great Easter celebrating our Risen Savior!  :)

We had a very happy Easter weekend getting to see our family and friends.

We started out on Good Friday by getting up early heading towards my parent's house.

We got to stop and eat at Biscuitville (yum!) and one of my favorite places for lunch...Salsarita's!  :)  (yum, yum!)

When we were getting close to home my sister called me and told me that she was out shopping with my cousin and her kids and she thought that we should come and meet them.

So we did.

And we got to finally meet Bennett for the first time in person!  It just took us 10 months to meet him face to face!  (I feel like a really bad cousin....but I think my cousin understands that life is crazy for us when we come back home.)  Let me just say that Skype dates and pictures don't do this baby justice...he's precious!

And you know who he really liked?

Yup!  That guy!  Preacher Man!  He LOVED him and it was so funny and cute to watch.  I asked Jon if he was ready to have kids because they were having such a fun time together and he said "No, but I do like this kid.  He's fun!"

After we shopped around for a little bit, we went to The Dairy Barn!  :)
It's only the best ice cream shop in town and a real treat to get to go to!

But it was a little windy...and my other two little cousins, Kennedy and Preston, got chilly... my sweet husband offered up his pullover and they both got in it.  Too cute! (Aside from it being a North Carolina pullover.)

After The Dairy Barn we ventured down to my parent's house where we sat around and talked and had a good time.  That night we ordered pizza and watched some TV and took it easy.

The next morning we got up and hung out with everyone and went up to visit with my Nana.

My uncle, aunt, and cousins were in town so it was great getting everyone together for a bit.

Later that afternoon we got on the road again and went to Preacher Man's parent's house.

On the menu for dinner was steak and potatoes.

I was in charge of making the twice baked potatoes and I enlisted the help of the cutest little girl that I know:

Sweet little Addie Mae!

She's a fabulous helper!

It looks like she's being a bit bossy in this picture.  :)  This might be a true statement.  ;)

I also got a Strawberry Cake for Easter per my M-I-L's request.  She wanted a strawberry cake from the lady who made mine and Preacher Man's wedding cake.  At first the lady told me she was booked for Easter, but she called me last minute and said that someone canceled an order!  Whoo hooo!

I was SO glad that they did.  This cake is to die for!  It is so, so, so yummy!

Me and Addie Mae were ready for our cake after we finished eating dinner!

The next morning we all got up and went to church for our Easter Service.  It was a good morning of celebrating!  It was also a lot of fun to get to see a lot of our friends at church as well!  I was able to talk with some friends and  I believe I have them all talked into planning a beach trip for about 10 of them to come and stay with us this summer.  And they're all going to stay with me and Preacher Man.  This will be interesting, but way FUN!  :) 

Once we got home we took a couple of pictures in our Easter frocks.

Preacher Man's Easter frock consisted of finding stuff in his old closet back home and borrowing one of his Dad's ties.  He doesn't believe in buying new shirts and ties even if his wife encourages him to do so.  :)

These two kids were the cutest for Easter:

After pictures, we went to Preacher Man's Maw's house for Easter Lunch with the family.
And after lunch we had an Easter Egg Hunt!
We all took turns hiding the eggs for the kids...

Please note Maw's Easter Egg Tree.  We have the same beliefs in decorating.  :)  I will have one of these when we get a house!

After the Egg Hunt, the kids decided to bust open their eggs that they dyed. 

And then we took some pictures with my decorating twin.  :)

I just love that woman!

It was almost time to go home but not before we played basketball and the piano with these two little stinkers for a few minutes longer...

And then it was on the road again....these trips are so much fun but they never last long enough!

When dinner time rolled around, we couldn't find a quick place to eat that was actually open.

We stopped at Zaxby's.  Closed.

We tried Subway.  Closed.

So guess where we went?

Wal-Mart!  Hahaha!

Wal-Mart was just sitting there open when we got off the exit and we just happened to have some ham that was sent in a cooler with us so we stopped in and got us some stuff for dinner.

Check it out:

Of course, this guy wasn't feeling a ham and cheese sandwich so he got popcorn chicken instead from the Wal-Mart deli.  He said it was pretty good!

I opted for the ham and cheese....take a look at our spread below:

We got some little rolls, a pack of cheese, some Ruffles and our favorite Ranch dip and then we had a little picnic on the road.

I also got some pineapple too....

And would you believe he took the cup from me and drank it himself?!?!?

That's a big deal if you know him personally!  Hahaha!  Thanks again, honey!

We had a very Happy Easter and were blessed enough to get to go back home and spend it with our the people that we love most!  We hope that you had a great one too!

Dreaming of More Strawberry Cake,
The Preacher's Wife