Monday, April 30, 2012

a most frugal weekend :)

I had a most fun, frugal weekend!

I went yard selling!

And it was FUN!

I've never really went yard selling before this past Saturday.  I've had several yard sales myself but I've never been the one that went treasure hunting.

Well, let me tell you that after this past Saturday, this will not be my last yard sale experience!

I found all kinds of treasures and some that were still brand new!

Let me just show you my frugal finds from the weekend...

here is a picture of everything that I got:

I bought the gold mirror for $3, I got the white picture frame for $1 (and I actually bought three of the same one), I got two packs of napkins for 25 cents each (they were too cute and never had been opened!), a brand new pair of gloves for 75 cents (I got those for my husband), a yellow funnel for 25 cents (because you never know when you'll need one of those), 2 brand new mashed potato mashers, one for 50 cents and the other for 25 cents (these are some of my favorite kitchen tools aside from my spatulas and cookie scoop), AND my most favorite item was the $2 curtain rod that I bought!

I spent a grand total of $10.25!

I thought I did pretty good!

If you turn your head sideways you can see my finds a little closer.  :)

(Sorry, I can't figure out why it won't turn the right way)

And here are my frames up close...

and my LOVELY curtain rod:

I was most EXCITED about this!  Do you know how expensive curtain rods can get if you want a pretty one?!  Mine only cost $2!  Score!  Now I just have to go to Lowe's to find the tools to mount it.

{this is where I would ask for a high five!}

I've already started working on my picture frames that I bought:

I'm turning this frame into a chalkboard for my kitchen.  I painted it red because that's what color my kitchen is.  I think it's going to turn out pretty cute.

Here is what I did with another frame:

I made it into my "seasonal" frame.  I joined Pinterest this past week (big mistake--good and bad!) and it has all kinds of cute little printouts for different seasons.  Why not print them out and frame them?!
Or at least that's what I thought when I saw them!
I thought I'd start out with this cute little 1 Corinthians 13 print out first.

For my last frame, I'm making it into a chalkboard as well, but I'm going to leave it the cream color.  I'm pretty excited about all of my finds!

Since I was so excited about my finds from the yard sale, I decided to stay in frugal mode at Wal-Mart ,too.  I have been using these facial cleansing cloths below for a really long time now.   

There are 30 to a pack and I never use the entire cloth at night when I'm washing my face.


I bought this little container at Wally-World:

and I cut the cloths in half and put them in my new, little container:

Now an entire pack will last me two months!  Whoo hooo!!

Just call me Frugal Frannie!

Among all of my frugalness excitement this weekend I did something pretty silly and rather embarassing. 

While we were in line at Wal-Mart, I decided to run and use the restroom while my hubby checked out.  I darted right on over to the restrooms and walked right into the men's restroom.  Yup, you read that right.

Here's what I saw while I was walking over to the restrooms...
There was a gentleman standing outside of the entryway of what I thought was the men's restroom.  The restroom was being cleaned and I just assumed that was the men's restroom because there was a man standing there.

Oh no.  That doesn't mean anything.

While walking into the restroom I did think it was odd that there weren't as many toilets as usual.     (I never even saw the urinals when I walked in.)

It wasn't until I walked out of the stall that I realized where I was and what I had done.

There stood two little boys just playing around in the restroom.  It was then that I looked to the left and saw two empty urinals (empty--thank goodness!)

I rushed out of the restroom and out of the Wal-Mart.

Nope, I didn't even wash my hands I was so embarassed. 
(I know, gross!)

I found my husband standing at the Red Box at the entrance of Wal-Mart and ran up to him and said "We've got go go!  I just used the men's restroom!  And I didn't wash my hands!  I can't touch anything now until we get home!  Let's go!"

He died laughing and we proceeded to walk out of Wal-Mart.

I was embarassed.

He was laughing.

So we rode home and I didn't touch anything.

Once I got home I washed my hands.

I hope you're laughing.

I wasn't going to share this, but I thought why not?!

We all do silly things in life.

Sometimes I just do silly/stupid things more than others.  :)

And sometimes it causes embarassment.

Oh well!

At least I had a nice, frugal weekend!

Who else can say that they bought their curtain rod for $2?!

Whoo hooo!

Hope you had a good laugh,
The Preacher's Wife

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