Saturday, September 7, 2013

Time in Tennessee

It's always fun to get to go back home!  We got to go back home in July for about a week.  We were so excited to get away from Wake Forest.  

I always get so excited when we pass the TN sign!  :)

We had a great time with my side of the family at the beginning of the week.

We spent a lot of time lounging in the pool, feasting on all of the meats that my dad had killed/caught, and if course, going to Hobby Lonby!

We got to go to my great aunt's house after church the Sunday night that we were there.  It was so fun to catch up with everyone.

Here's part of the gang....Linda was giving Jon a hug bye.  :) 

I was able to get to go through my great aunt's cookbooks while we were sitting around the dinner table.  I was thrilled and almost in tears when I came to this one...

Mama's Rolls!  This would have been my great grandmother's recipe!  It was so special to find it in Aunt Goobe's recipe book.  By the looks of the card, it must be a good recipe!  I cannot wait to try this one out.  

We also went fishing with my dad where he caught a crappie that was lthe size of a Marlin!  It was huge!

Don't you think he's just fancy with his hat and fanny pack?  I LOVE it!  :)

He does too!

This is one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken....

My hubby and my daddy!  I love it!

A family friend gave my sister this weekly TV program from way back in the day.  She found it in a box of hidden treasures.  It was so neat to see because it was my granddad and great uncle's grocery store that they had in our hometown.  They had an advertisement right in the front of the program...too cool!

It was a very neat thing to see!

The second half of the week we spent at the lake.  

This guy was excited to drive a boat again...

I spent a lot of time with this little one...

and they both stayed glued to his side a lot...

especially this one...

They are cute together!

Off on a boat ride...

and she caught a fish...

and we played with sparklers!

It was a fabulous week at home! Fun times with our family!  We love them so much!  We're excited to go back soon!

The Preacher's Wife

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