Friday, March 25, 2011

pardon me

Pardon me.  Please excuse me.  I know I haven't posted in a few days.

I have a good reason though.


My parents came for a visit!  I hope that you will forgive me for not posting about our happenings and where abouts for the past few days.  We have had such a fun time that I have hardly been on the computer.

A big time we've had, I tell ya! 

Lots of laughing, good food, exploring Wake Forest and Raleigh, and just spending some QT (quality time) together.  We had such a fabulous time and I was sad to see them leave this morning.  :(  But hopefully they will be back soon!  :)

And just to let you know, I'm taking applications for anyone who wants to visit in April.  I don't have anyone scheduled for a visit so if you would like to come please just let me know!  :)  Haha!  I'm kinda kidding but not really (only just about the applications!).

I have lots of pictures to share with you too!

I promised to make my Mom an Italian Cream Cake for her birthday (Feb. 8th) so I fulfilled the promise while she was here!  And let me just say thanks to my Dad....he's a fabulous sou chef in the kitchen!  :)  Here is how the process went.....

First layer:

All three layers...somehow I can never get them to be even?!

The first coating of frosting...

Now this!  THIS is my Dessert Decorator Pro 5000 as I like to call it.  I like to call it 5000 because it just sounds fun!  There is a picture of the box below it.  It was a present from Santa.  I was excited to use it too!  :)

Yup, the Dessert Decorator Pro 5000!  :)  Ha!  I highley recommend this for all of your cake decorating needs.  It was very easy to use!

The finished poor icing was melting.  I kept on having to stick the cake in the freezer to get cold quickly.  It turned out okay I thought for my first time using the DDP 5000.  Ha!  :)  At least it was made with a lot of love.

and the top...the poor top...hahahahahaha!  I think I need a lot more practice!  :)

At least the cake tasted delicious!  :)
We also ate at a yummy Italian Restaurant in downtown Wake Forest.  It's called La Foresta.  It's like a mom and pop restaurant and it was delish and inexpensive!  Just look at the slices of pizza you could order!!!

I got half of a stromboli...and this is only half:
It was mighty tasty!

While they were here we also grilled out....just look at this gloriousness on the grill:

YUM!  It was glorious!

And here is my mother, Debbie Kay as I like to call her sometimes.  She is washing my dishes with those awesome yellow gloves like my Great-Aunt Goobe! 

And here is a funny picture that I took while we were exploring downtown Wake Forest.  I got a little tickled when I saw this.

Maybe we'll give this place a whirl one day!  :)  I can only imagine what the restaurant would look like.
And this....have you seen this cat?!

  I am no lover of cats, (there is a story behind why I'm not) but this cat is hilarious!  This cat is called Talking Tom.  He is a little thing you can download to your phone or computer.  He will talk to you and do other silly things.
We kinda laughed until we cried and then maybe laughed some more.  Ok, we really did.  It was hysterical.  Please go say hello to Tom and download this kitty.  So funny!

The past few days have been great!  Sad to see my visitors go but it sure was fun and I'm looking forward to the next time and our next set of visitors.  I know you've been sitting here reading this thinking that you want to come visit!  :)  I'm thinking these two should be our visitors in their parents!

Drum roll, please......


Addie Mae and Ethan!! 
(aren't they precious?!?!)
 And Jennifer and David (their parents and Preacher Man's sister) you should come too since they can't drive!  :)  Think about it!!  :)  We miss you lots!

I'm also going to request that if you're reading this to shout out a little prayer for my job situation.  I'm really hoping and praying something is going to turn out for the best very soon in a job!  It's always amazing to see how God's timing is sooo perfect!  I'd definitely appreciate a prayer or two.

Well I think that's it for now.  It's Friday, so that means it's the weekend! 
Hope you have a very beautiful and relaxed weekend!

Until Monday,
The Preacher's Wife  :)

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