Friday, March 18, 2011

a story for you

Here's how the story goes:

Preacher Man and I stepped out for some grub at our favorite Mexican Restaurant in town.  We came home feeling happy that our bellys were full of Mexican delicious-ness.  :)  Once we stepped out of the car, we paused for a moment and stared at each other, both of us looking very puzzled at what was going on.  It was then that we heard from a distance "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" softly playing in the background like a children's lullaby.  We stopped, thought for a moment, and concluded that it must be the ice cream truck.

We then proceeded to stop and check the mail while the Christmas carol was still playing.  Then another song started to play.  This song?  "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town!"

The song started to get louder as we went inside the house.

I kinda liked that he was playing Christmas carols in March, but it did seem a little odd. 

We went inside our hosue and we could still hear him.  I peeked outside the blinds to see if he was in eyesight.  I really wanted to get a look at this ice cream truck because all of the trucks that I had ever seen in TN looked a little scary (just being honest!). 

Sure enough here comes the ice cream man! 

And guess what song is playing now?

"Happy Birthday!"

This man had the most ecclectic music I'd ever heard for an ice cream truck.

By this time I could hear the Happy Birthday song right outside our front door. 

Lo and behold I open the blinds again and there he is parked.

Precious children and their parents are running to the truck to get themselves a delicious treat.

And finally, FINALLY the truck starts playing.....

Oh when the Saints,
go marching in,
Oh when the Saints go marching in!!!!

FINALLY!!!  The man is in season with the tunes in his truck!  It's St. Patty's Day and this is the song that should be playing.

This was quite a site to see.  I just so happened to grab my camera and take a picture through our blinds...

I liked the looks of the truck and may just have to get me an ice cream next time! 

Who knows, I may even skip out the front door to go grab my cream...and maybe even sing a Christmas carol while I'm at it!  :)

Hope you had a great St. Patty's Day yesterday!  I know this topped mine off!  :)

Enjoy your weekend!


The Preacher's Wife

P.S.  I forgot to mention that the temperature today is supposed to be in the 80's!  Whoa baby!  :)  Hopefully this really happens!

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