I'm not the type of person that gets star-struck at all. I don't have anyone that I would just stand in line for two hours to meet. However, ever since Pioneer Woman got her show on the Food Network, I've become a huge fan! I've been reading her blog for years and have always been a fan, but now I feel like I'm an extreme fan! Her cooking show is just the best, her cookware is exactly like what I would design one to be, and her cinnamon rolls and other recipes have turned me into a cooking machine!
She recently came to Raleigh back in October and I drug Jon along with me to go meet her to get my cookbooks signed. She was everything that I dreamed she would be and more!
Here are some pictures from the event...
This was the first picture I took. You can see her from afar because of her hair. :)
The thing that was so sweet about her was that she was genuinely so kind and thankful that each person came to see her. She never seemed fake or seemed like she was tired from all of the people. I can't imagine how much her hand must have been hurting after she signed all of the books she did.
Jon and I stood in line for close to two hours just to see her. I took pictures as we got closer and closer.
And when I saw her boots, I decided I must have a pair! Thank you, Santa for bringing me some for Christmas!
I honestly thought I might cry when I met her because that is what I've started doing as I age. When I get really excited about something or get moved, I tear up....and then sometimes those tears turn into a little bit of happier tears that follow. Sometimes my husband looks at me like I've lost my mind. I'm just easily moved. :)
I held it together though!
I even brought her my favorite apple fritters for her to try. If you've never read her blog, she is hilarious! One time she wrote about apple fritters and the story sounded EXACTLY like something I would do! To read the story, click here.
I really don't remember what we talked about. I just remember telling her that I brought her apple fritters because I loved that story. She seemed to get a good laugh out of it.
I also wrote her a note (because I figured I would only get to stand beside her just to get my picture taken) telling her how much I loved her blog, how thankful I am that she inspires me to cook, and how I felt like we could be soul sisters because we have the same sense of humor. I also let her know that if she wanted to get rid of one of her floral mixers that she could send me one. Don't worry, I included my address and phone number! ;)
I sure do love PW!
If you've never checked her out, you should. She's my favorite!
The Wanna-Be Pioneer Woman :)
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